WCS’s purpose is to build connected communities and enrich people’s lives. 

Our values guide us: We are guided by our values of inclusion, compassion, hope, social justice, integrity and responsiveness. Find out more about our vision, purpose and values 

What you can expect from us: We are committed to working with you to meet your needs through providing information, services and support that recognise and build on your current knowledge, skills and resources. Find out more about service expectations. 

We work with your support network: We are also committed to engaging with the people in your support network, including families, friends, kin, guardians and carers. We recognise, respect and value their role in providing ongoing support for those accessing our services. Find out more about how we work with support persons.

We are committed to the safety, care and wellbeing of all people who access our services, particularly children and those who are vulnerable due to age, illness, trauma or disability or any other reason. We seek to provide a safe environment for the delivery of services. When any risks or issues arise, we will respond immediately to address concerns and meet any reporting requirements.

We support diversity and inclusion: We embrace, support and strengthen diversity within our community, our services and our organisation. We respond to all members of the community equitably, with respect for individual identities. This experience of diversity includes, but is not limited to, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, cultural background, abilities, religious beliefs and lived experience. For more information, see our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

We commit to reconciliation, working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: We commit to working in a collaborative, meaningful and respectful way with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, listening to their voices, to achieve generations of success for their children, young people and families. The WCS Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) sets out our actions to fulfil our vision and commitment to reconciliation. These actions embed reconciliation in our operations and will lead to new strategies and initiatives in areas of priority.  For more information, see the WCS Reconciliation Action Plan.

We protect your information: WCS is committed to ensuring that the personal information you provide to us remains secure, is only used for the purposes for which it is collected and that you are aware of what information is held and your rights. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

We listen to your feedback: WCS is committed to listening to your and your support persons. We value any feedback and complaints service users or support persons have, to help us improve our services. For more information, see Providing Feedback and Making Complaints.

We partner with you for service design and delivery: WCS is committed to engaging with service users and their support persons in designing, delivering and improving our services. For more information, see Service User Engagement.
