This is a group that explores local areas and places further afield around our region.

We have been to places such as Bungendore, Braidwood, Gunning to name a few.

When we are there, we explore the local area, art galleries, buildings, whatever the destination may have to offer.

The Cost is $10 for transport and $6 group contribution.

Attendees are responsible for their own food and drink expenses.

Discovery Group meets on the last Monday of the month.

We have a minibus that starts pickups around 9am and we will have you back around 2-3pm (Depending on the trip, it depends on where we go and what we do).

To book in, please call Social Groups Facilitator on 6234 6850, as places on the buses are limited.

WCS Social groups for seniors (over 65’s)
We encourage our seniors to remain independent at home by offering various home supports, staying fit and being socially active.
Does this sound like you? Please call us for more information.
We can put you in touch with My Aged Care (1800 200 422) to access your Social Group referral for Woden Community Service.
