Supportive Tenancy Service (STS) works with people whose tenancy is at risk (Tenancy Support) or who are facing barriers in establishing a private tenancy (Housing Options).
STS case managers will talk to you about your situation, explore options and work out a plan. They can:
Tenancy Support covers any type of tenancy: public housing, private rental, mortgage.
The STS housing options worker will work with you to explore your options and provide advice on how to secure a community housing or private rental tenancy.
Housing Options is for people who have the income and capacity to sustain a community or private rental.
You can contact STS through OneLink, where an assessing officer will talk to you about your situation and what assistance you need. They can provide information and connect you to support services, including STS.
Call: 1800 176 468
Mon to Fri, 8 am to 6 pm
Sat and Sun, 12.30 pm to 5 pm
or visit
STS is a partnership between Capital Region Community Service, Woden Community Service and YWCA Canberra.
Funding is provided under National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA), jointly funded by the ACT Government (Community Services Directorate) and the Australian Government.
WCS Service Commitments |
Our approach to service delivery WCS’s purpose is to build connected communities and enrich people’s lives. We are guided by our values of inclusion, compassion, hope, social justice, integrity and responsiveness. For more information about our approach to service delivery, see Our Commitment to Service. |